Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today had a long meet with girlfriend! (:
Meet her at 11plus lorh.
She was late, but ie nver blame her lah! HAHA.
Hmmm, did things over there lorh. :D

Hmmm, around 2plus till 3plus bah.
Went to study with girlfriend and two other friend lorh.
Teach girlfriend math over there.
Study till 5plus bah.
walk to yewtee with girlfriend lorh!
Chao fun with girlfriend de! (:

Went to yewtee point walk walk around with girlfriend.
We keep walking in and out of the shop lorh.
Girlfriend went to buy bread as she was hungry..
Sit down with her and eat.
Hmmm, homed after that.

Had a greatttt time spent with girlfriend lah! (:
Boyfriend love you! ♥

Current time: 09Jan 2328hrs